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Introducing "Sculpture BRONZE" by artist Karl Lagasse, an exquisite fusion of form and mystery. Against a warm brown backdrop, a captivating sculpture takes shape, adorned with an arrangement of gold letters and numbers seemingly scattered at whim. Lagasse's artistic touch weaves these elements into a spellbinding composition that beckons curiosity.


In "Sculpture BRONZE," the dance between gold and brown hues conjures an atmosphere of intrigue, inviting viewers to unravel the interplay between the concrete and the enigmatic. The golden characters, thoughtfully placed, weave an unseen narrative that transcends the surface, provoking contemplation on the intersection of language and art. Lagasse's creation is an eloquent convergence of material and meaning, drawing observers into a realm where artistic expression breaks free from conventional confines. Engaging with this captivating sculpture, viewers are encouraged to decode the enigmatic discourse that "Sculpture BRONZE" presents—an eloquent testament to the artist's ingenuity and his ability to evoke thoughtful interpretation.

Sculpture BRONZE (Gold)

€ 16.500,00Price

Karl Lagasse (1981)


Sculpture BRONZE (Gold)





10x10x1.6 cm

Random number following available stock 33 copies.



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